ARPU~UP, a Web 2.0 Marketing Strategy Consulting firm, successfully organized an Internet Marketing Day for the students of Bar Ilan's University International MBA Program. The one-day seminar was cover the challenges of doing business on the Internet today as well as examine how emerging technologies and business models are being adapted, using digital branding, marketing, finance, sales, technology and business development.
The marketing session, which toke place on Friday June 15, was presented by four professionals in the field: Boaz Babai, Founder & CEO of ARPU~AP; Boaz Rossano, Creative & Marketing Director of Netica; Maya Elhalal, Co-Founder of Site on spot, and Tomer Harel, Founder & CEO of Key Scouts, a company that provides website promotion services. Rossano spoke of e-branding, whereas Elhalal focused her lecture on Web 2.0 social networks, and Harel gave an overview of marketing tools on the Internet.
The event was a part of "Electronic Commerce" course by Dr. Ari Dothan, an associate lecturer at the Bar-Ilan University . The course is focused around theories of value addition to consumers through differentiated business models. The effect of the Internet on their business model is conceived as the dynamic threat firms encounter in their attempts to achieve fit with a rapidly changing environment.
“Their presentation offered a practical overview of marketing on the Internet issues. Besides learning about the vast variety of business applications on the Internet,” said The Dr. Dothan. “Students received a powerful message of entrepreneurial opportunities which this medium offers to people willing to take new initiatives.”
Last month, Babai was giving a talk on Web 2.0 Marketing Strategy at the Collage of Management MBA program. Babai’s presentation focused on how companies can market successfully In the Web 2.0 World. Babai presented effective tools of organic Search Engine Optimization (SEO), Pay-Per-Click (PPC) advertising campaigns, Press Release Optimization and Delivery (PR-SEO), blog marketing and video viral marketing.